The tea house opposite the Baku Cour for Grace Crimes which normally serves as waiting ground for people standing outside the court was reported to shut down today. According to AzadliqRadiosu reporters on the ground, the cafe management said the cafe is closed due to possible rain.
Yesteday large crowd gathered outside the court room and unable to get in, took refuge at the tea house. It is likely the management was informed to close down the cafe for today.
a reminder that yesterday as #KhadijaIsmayil was reading her final words presiding judge Ramella Allahverdiyeva cut her off #FreeKhadija
— Arzu Geybulla (@arzugeybulla) 1.9.2015
#KhadijaIsmayil trial resumes today in Baku- family made it to the court together with embassy reps. #FreeKhadija
— Arzu Geybulla (@arzugeybulla) 1.9.2015
#KhadijaIsmayil lawyer explains why she was cut off while reading her final words [full transcript] #FreeKhadija
— Arzu Geybulla (@arzugeybulla) 31.8.2015