Statement: Change The Legislation, Repeat Elections Next Year

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Republican Alternatives (REAL) Movement says there is no election environment in Azerbaijan in its statement. The movement is certain that as a result the election results will not represent people's votes.

On October 27, circulating their statement ahead of the elections, REAL said following their door-to-door campaign they saw bleak perceptions of the electorate. The movement also said the results in this parliamentary election are meaningless given the overall election environment and disbelief in the upcoming elections.

"The responsibility for the total destruction of an electoral institution in this country is on the government of Azerbaijan. This will have grave consequences on our country", read the statement.

The movement further concludes that it will not recognize the results of the parliamentary elections scheduled to take place November 1. REAL demands the release of all political prisoners and creation of free and competitive political environment with equal rights for candidates.

REAL also calls for the legislative amendments in order to give each candidate free air time and hold elections in year once again.